Queensland University of Technology
STEM the Tide - Integrated Digital and Public Relations Campaign.
Shining a spotlight on the world-changing work that women in STEM are producing.
QUT, through BCM Group, launched a new initiative dedicated to bridging the gender gap in STEM careers, where the under-representation of women is causing very real societal disadvantages, seen most recently through fatality numbers in motor crashes and heart disease.
STEM the Tide shines a light on the alarming fact that women make up less than a quarter of students in STEM fields, a number that needs to change with 75% of future careers requiring STEM literacy.
The initiative celebrates women making a difference in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to encourage future generations of women to consider enrolments in STEM subjects.
To amplify the campaign, IVY leveraged the incredible and inspiring stories of various QUT STEM graduates, driving awareness across key mainstream publications; with the hope of reframing the ‘influencers’ and ‘role models’ our younger generations grow up reading about and looking up to.