Burger Urge

Trial by Fire


Australia’s burger chains are in a constant battle of whose burger is better, tastier and bigger. Without the huge marketing budgets of the major players, Burger Urge needed to do something to stand out amongst the noise.

So they launched The Nashville Death Wish, Australia’s Hottest Burger. Laced with an Aged Moruga Scorpion chilli, the burger boasts a scorching 2 Million Scoville heat units. More than police pepper spray.

Our objective was to encourage trial of the burger instore and get Burger Urge their share of attention via earned media, enough to compete with the marketing spend of the bigger burger brands.


To get the word out about The Nashville Death Wish and encourage purchase we created TRIAL BY FIRE. An extreme eating challenge that could only be taken up if you signed a legal waiver and wear PPE before taking a bite of Australia's Hottest Burger.

Our audience was men aged 18 - 40 who would see The Nashville Death Wish as less of a burger and more of challenge to their masculinity.

To do this, our approach was to position The Nashville Death as Australia's Hottest Burger by providing media outlets with detailed context around it's extreme level of spiciness (especially for the non-spice-fluent of the world). When briefing media, we created a spice scale chart, comparing the new burger to jalapenos, sriracha sauce, tabasco, all regular types of chilli and even police pepper spray.

We gave TV media the best bite, inviting them in-store to catch the first brave customers walk through the door to take the Trial By Fire. In social, Influencers took the Trial By Fire and challenged their male followings to do the same.


  • Our influencer activity delivered 341,000 audience reach with $0 talent spend, in the form of 28 pieces of earned social content.

  • The total audience reach of the whole campaign equalled 53.14M, which equalled $874K estimated media value across 70 media features including 14 broadcast, 47 online, 6 social and 3 print.

  • A majority of Burger Urge stores sold out of ingredients required for the burger well before the promotion ended.

  • In comparison to their most recent promotion, the average number of transactions increased by 174% during the campaign period.

  • Total transaction spend increased by 171% during the campaign period.

  • Sales for the burger’s signature secret sauce (sold separately) called The Death Sauce, increased 35% instore and online.

  • The brand received first feature on a prime-time national TV show (Sunrise).

  • The campaign achieved the brand’s highest media reach and number of features for any Burger Urge promotion to date.


Snap Fitness